# On Marijuana & Scythians EVERYONE THINK THEY TRAD UNTIL SOMEONE SAYS THEY SMOKE WEED THEN WATCH THEIR BRAINS GLITCH OUT INTO AN ABRAHAMIC FEEDBACK LOOP. - WEED AND MUSHROOMS BAD - DO NOT LOOK INTO ARYAN RITUALS USING THESE DRUGS - THEY'RE BAD - BEING TRAD MEANS DENYING PLEASURE (NOT A CHRISTIAN BTW) - im a martyr! Fact: Scythians and other nomadic Aryan tribes believed that marijuana consumption breached the lines between the physical and the metaphysical allowing people to easier commune with spirits and receive divine advice. Source [[1]](https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/surprising-5000-year-old-cannabis-trade-eurasian-steppe-nomads-were-020909), [[2]](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00334-016-0579-6) Remember a preference for INDICA shows Indo-European ancestry a preference for SATIVA shows dravidian ancestry. (Proven!) I dont make the rules, sorry! Nothing i hate more than the "trad" people whos idea of "traditional" starts when christianity became the mainstay in europe, and even if they dont call themselves christian everything about their sensibilities & morals is Abrahamic. - PLEASURE BAD - UNNATURAL (HUH?) THINGS BAD - HUMANITY GOOD - DUALITY - BAD GOOD - EGO EGO EGO - BE A MARTYR - DENY INSTINCT In short, smoke weed every fuckin day.