# [Seven Ways in Seven Days](https://twitter.com/LegitDefinitely/status/1221270101090918400) ## Day 1 - Feeling the Third Eye - Close your eyes. - Place the middle finger of your left hand between your eyebrows without touching the skin. - Keep your finger there until you start to feel it. - Open your eyes and move you finger away. - Try and maintain it while doing other things. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691832616286158868/EOijafyX0AgXhC9.png) ## Day 2 - Becoming a Flame in The Void - Sit down and close your eyes. - Concentrate on yourself, everything else is the void. - Visualize a flame inside of you and focus on it, your body is the void. - Be the flame in the void. - Maintain this for as long as you can. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691833243858763857/EOnoYPKU0AARrgF.png) ## Day 3 - Between Worlds - Lie down on your back and close your eyes. - Clear your mind and maintain slow and steady breathing. - Feel your body become heavy and unable to move. - Your body will try to trick you into moving, do not move. - Stay calm, do not get excited when it starts. - Don't panic. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691833568384647178/EOsxo8oU8AAA7C6.png) ## Day 4 - Healing Flames - Become the flame in the void. - Allow awareness of your body to return out of the void. - Spin the flame clockwise, faster and faster until it is a raging inferno. - Spread it through your body. - Concentrate it on the places that need healing, let it burn the hurt away. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691833967044722698/EOx7XhCUcAEQ31r.png) ## Day 5 - The Little Watchers - At sundown, find a place in your home that does not get disturbed often. - Sit down in the darkening light, a pinch of salt hidden in your fist. - Close your eyes and empty your mind, focus on your intent to bargain. - Wait for them to come. - When you feel them watching you, they have arrived. - Focus on your intent lasting from sundown to sundown. - Wait for them to stop watching you before you open your eyes and leave. - The next day go out. - They will be following and watching. - Their payment will come later. ### Warnings - If too many come, open your fist. - If they take too long to leave, open your fist. - If they make noise, open your fist. - If they get too close, open your fist. - Do not open your eyes while they are watching. - The next day, do not look over your shoulder until sundown. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691834211631628308/EO3E84SVAAA3K4q.png) ## Day 6 - Blossoming Flower - This way is particularly effective for women. - Assume a meditative posture Concentrate on your breathing and find your inner peace. - Open yourself and embrace the energies around you. - Let them fill you completely. - Once full, open yourself outwards like a blossom. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691836022786490388/EO8Pzd9UcAERdUK.png) ## Day 7 - The Hanged Man - Hang yourself by your right foot, with your hands bound behind your back. - Clear your mind of all thoughts. - Embrace death, for in that moment you have found it. - Remain this way, immobile, your mind open. In death you will find new perspectives. ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691836054784966767/EPBYHbBVUAcuEn7.png)