# An Introduction to Vedic-Paganism, Aryanism, & Consumption of Beef I'm Arya and Aryan, and I practice Vedism I practice Vedism because it is the only first hand written acount by Aryan Pagans on their religion, all European sources are from Christians. Most Arya are in Europe and the Americas. I would not consider the vast majority of Indian Brahmin to be really racially pure Arya. Since the Mughal Invasion the caste system in India is pointless. Vedisms the same religion as every strain of European Paganism I see Vedism as the exact same religion verbatim to every brand of European Paganism. So to me these modern notions of Hinduism do not matter to me, I'm a Vedic Pagan They all come from the Eurasian Steppe so I'm not sure I'd really call them copies. They're copies of the Indo-European belief by virtue of it being the same hereditary line of people who went east and west from the Black Sea, no? The only difference is Vedic broke tradition and wrote their oral traditions down unlike their European sisters, who then got mass converted by Christians. I wouldn't call them copies but sisters. Beef was consumed by all Pagans and especially the people who wrote the Rig Vedas. Not eating beef only became a trend in the 4th century. Nowhere in the Vedas does it say not to eat beef, remember I said I'm Vedic Pagan, not Hindu. It was only when Vedism started to stray from its pastoral nomadic roots of the Eurasian steppe that beef became looked down upon. I only follow texts from the Rigvedic Period, anything else is not legitimate in my eyes. I would not call modern Hinduism, 'Vedism'. It's a Vedic religion as much as Jainism or Buddhism, but it's not the original religion by any stretch because of the extensive amount of changes since the rigvedas. Quote the Rigvedic texts and tell me where it says I can't eat beef. Aryan Invasion Theory is proven with genetics. I don't care about your Dravidian mud religion synthesis with Vedism. I'm not a Hindu, I'm a Vedic. I only follow Rigvedic texts. Quote the Rigvedic text which says I cannot eat beef. Abstaining from beef was only made up in the 4th century. Modern Hinduism is a synthesis with Dravidian religion. Indo-Europeans were cattle farmers who castrated bulls and ate their meat. We are cattle farmers. We do not practice idol worship or worship animals, nor did those who wrote the Rigvedas. Quote the Rigvedic text where it says I can't eat beef. You're a Vedic Hindu not an Orthodox Vedic. Don't be so dualistic Not a single IE religion worships cows. We do not worship animals, trust me. Cow worship is not from the Rigvedas, and if it is I ask you to quote the texts and show me. If you can I'll stop eating beef Indo-Europeans from the Eurasian Steppe who were nomadic and pastoral and herded cattle and rode horses and chariots wrote the Vedas. Quote the original rigvedic texts and tell me where it says I cannot eat beef.\ The Satapatha Brahmana quotes Yajnavalkya as saying > ”I for one eat beef provided it is tender (amsala)” The Satapatha and the Aitareya Brahmana mention distinguished guests being served cattle meat. On this account, guests were called goghna or cow killer. In the Rigveda, Indra and Agni are called > “eaters of bulls and barren cows”. The Yajnavalkya smriti, albeit a much later text, mentions that a maha-oksa or a big bull is to be sacrificed at special occasions. The Vasistha sutra says that > “an ascetic who refuses beef at a sacrifice will go to hell for as many years as the slaughtered beast had hair” Vedism is from the Steppe, the oral traditions are from the Eurasian Steppe. Vedism did not start in India. Roman Empire was Vedic, so was Ancient Greece. Vedism is Paganism. In norse it's called Eddas. Eddas, Vedas. Same root word. Pagans do not idol worship either. Look to the modern unbroken pagan traditions of the Mari in Russia. They are what your ancestors looked like. ![Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7j6zSUWkAAui0H?format=jpg&name=small)![Image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7j6z2WXsAAMTk2?format=jpg&name=360x360)