# [Of Universal Paradoxicality – Or Why Time Isn't Really Cyclical (But Also Is)](https://twitter.com/LegitDefinitely/status/1215507733891256320) You will find that at a high enough level of abstraction things are contradictory, but are all true. That paradoxicality is what keeps the whole running. The whole is both the period preceding infinite time, time, after time, and the underlying substrate of time. The whole, and by extension time, is both infinite and fixed; it has a timeline which isn't a timeline, because causality only really exists within time and, while time is part of the whole, it is not the whole. Time is infinite in more ways than one. Both directly and indirectly Technically everything is (and isn't) happening co-concurrently, constantly and at all times. You may go forwards to find yourself in an event which has already transpired, but that is because what happens always happens, and is always happening, somewhere on a metaphysical level The same applies to things which are not happening and which aren't things. That is, what was, is, will be, as well as what wasn't, isn't, won't be, as well as what could and couldn't be. All this in its infinity of variations of course. Infinitely. Knowing this, to call time cyclical is a bit of an oversimplification, but one that serves its purpose well. However if one wants to get technical that description alone is not enough. So one could describe time as a paradoxical feedback loop, but also not. So the whole repeats again and again down into “local” history, causing history to echo itself, but slightly differently each time, but also exactly the same. Keep in mind that this is our local interpretation of a part of a complex system. However, for the sake of convenience, time is cyclical... but also isn't. Rinse and repeat.