Neolithic monogamous societies had whores and sluts; Polygynous pastoral had concubines and whores Lock & Key! It most trad 2 lose a virginity to a WHORE, and learn 2 pleasure women that way. This is true eugenics. Your future wife will thank you! [Example Song]( You cannot call yourself trad if you have Bourgeois Puritan ideas of sex and think that men and women must be equal in chaste. Did you know that male virginity is a modern concept? Virgin has ALWAYS referred to a female, as the female virginity is TANGIBLE I find it odd how the Puritan is never able to reconcile the other parts of humanity, and what they exist for. The conservative and liberal(same thing) both cannot fit the puzzle pieces of man and this world we live in together in any seamless fashion I suppose this is monotheism at its core, and I truly do see the benefit here of polytheism as you are much more easily able to reconcile the many disparate peoples in the world While Puritans and the like preach a universal moral standard that is against human nature by default The whore, slut, concubine is at its essence a fertility goddess. I mean this, and I am being quite literal. They embody the energy, vibrations, of fertility and they play an important part in the ecosystem Don't let the feminist reinterpretation of the past fool you, women of yore LOVED sex in all different ways You had monogamous K-selected females who loved sex and had big families to one patriarchal man You had sluts who with the love of the r-selected fertility Goddess act as a quite literal steam valve for the men of society, and genuinely do enjoy doing it It was only in the dry dour puritanical anglo-bourgeois societies that women started to hate sex and at the same time develop a shame complex over sex Do you think steppe nomads had shame about sex? Do you think a virgin bride cared if her husband had fuck whores and knew how to please a woman? confidence only comes with experience and a virgin who is saving her virginity for marriage will NEVER marry an unconfident guy, thats the SINGLE requirement that all women share across the board You gotta be a fucking confident male Women see it in you "they just know" - Selecting mates has been bred into women - Because of their negative(passive/yin) role - And they are subtle - Men seize. Women embrace - Men enter. Women are entered - Women don't seize. They make you seize.