# Simian Dialectic [Original thread by Uncle "Antediluvian" Deluge](https://twitter.com/uncle_deluge/status/1163170574216159233) Humanity is a centered species. The most successful civilisations have tended towards the middle of two radical extremes–Masculine and Feminine. Those societies who push too far toward one or the other will find short term success but long term disaster! Consider our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, Chimpanzees and Bonobos. Both represent two possible extremes that we have avoided. | [![img](http://veda-warez.xn--6frz82g/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=300&tok=8c5fa1&media=concept:simian1.png)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691772607657410560/fetch.png) | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | *Near-human ancestors, the Chimpanzee and the Bonobo.* | The Chimpanzee, despite how they are commonly portrayed, is a depraved killer. The common greeting when one troop of Chimpanzees meets another is organised genital torture on weaker members of the rival troop. Their entire world is based on violence–they will never advance. On the other side of the spectrum is the Bonobo, a matriarchal race of apes that commonly soothe over disputes with sex. There are no taboos to the Bonobo. Incest is the norm–they will do anything to avoid confrontation! Males submit to females to ensure copulation–pathetic! On one side–violence, bloodlust, incredibly rigid male-dominated hierarchical structure, the weak fear the strong. On the other–sex, leisure, the pursuit of pleasure above all else, matriarchy. Observe human societies which tend toward these attributes! The ultra violent and the ultra submissive–those incapable of reason and those incapable of ambition–what do they accomplish? Nothing! | [![img](http://veda-warez.xn--6frz82g/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=220&tok=061a6e&media=concept:yinyang.png)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691773130028613742/fetch.png) | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | *Observe–this Aryan symbol of duality! The understanding that balance, above all else, is paramount!.* | To reduce the Chimpanzee and Bonobo to different categories–we can call them materialist and spiritualist. When no reverence is given to the spiritual nature of the world, and only the physical (China), the scale becomes unbalanced! Their souls become nearly nonexistent! And those who would forego the material nature of the world merely to ponder on the metaphysical or spiritual aspects (India) are doomed to live this life as physical cripples–is there any wonder why so many Indian children are born disfigured? Western society has struck a balance–this has been the key to our success! Spiritual creativity manifesting itself into the physical reality! Great works of art, philosophy, science, all drawing from our balanced connections to the spiritual and the material! Those who wish to see us destroyed need not fire a single shot–their effort to tip our societal scale has done more damage than any weapon ever will!