# Evangelion 1.1 - Creation (RV 10.121 ) In the Beginning the Universe was born. Who is the Lord of this Universe? Who is the progenitor of the Earth and Sky? To Whom should we offer our prayers to? Who gives our lungs breath? Who gives our weary muscles strength? Who is the leader of all living things? Who sets the Heavenly Planets in orbit? Who is that which is called Life? Who is that which is called Death? What Deity are we meant to worship? Who in all their Divine Grandeur do the Flowing Rivers, Roaring Oceans, Mighty Mountains and Fiery Volcanoes themselves answer to? Whom is it that we are meant to worship? By whose Divine Rite does the Sun rise and fall? Whom exactly set the Heavenly Bodies in orbit around the sun while keeping the Earth still? Who is it that makes shadows able to cast, and light able to shine? Whom exactly are we meant to worship? To Whom is it that two opposing warriors both fear and revere in battle? Who is it that we are meant to Worship? When the Universe began did Something come from Nothing? Who made fire and who made ice? Out of the Nothingness arose the Somethingness. To Whom are we meant to offer our submission? Who rained down the waters of Life? By Whose ordinance do the Heavenly Planets bow to? To Whom shall we offer our submission? Who is the Creator of this Earth? Who is the Creator of the Sky? From Whom do the Oceans emanate? Whom shall we offer our submission to? Let it be none other than the Consciousness itself, to that is which all things owe submission! Understand nothing if only this! Through Conscious Desire We have invoked all Things. Let us then become the Master of All Things! ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/691860082501222471/wheel.gif)