# In Defense of the Car ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/692472393679110175/EMLcFpKUEAANPaH.png) ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683517147464728597/692472560071344228/EMLcFpJUEAE2oYi.png) 1. The car is the ultimate expression of speed and velocity, innate, primal taste for extreme experience that all malekind share. Never trust any "man" who hesitates behind the wheel, who advocates for its dismantlement or control, who sees no purpose to speed, reckless speed. 2. The car is a perfect union of man and technics, of man and machine. in driving, the car becomes an appendage of the body, a new set of muscles, intuitively sensed, organically respondent. Beacon of futurism not only in velocity: truly to drive the car is to become a cyborg. 3. Man has always extended himself with (bio)mechnical appendage, from throwing stick to the riding horse to catapult, boat; the automobile is peak & culmination of this rich, virile military-techno tradition. It speaks much to any who reject it as "dangerous", "unsustainable". 4. The car a perfect consumer encapsulation of engineering, a self-embodiment of male technics - it will never be understood by the woman, as she'll never computers, only usable by imitation of surface action/reactions, no understanding of machine's sensitive inner workings. 5. The car is no alien artifact of industrial modernity. It is the direct successor of the horse and horsecarriage, who's had its place at the top of our urbanism since the time of Rome. As a horse, the car is a landed man's livelihood and freedom. 6. Reject "traditional urbanists", and their insecurity around the car, knowing they are not traditionalist, but merely EURO urbanists, who burn with resentment to America's mogging. The truth: only backwater towns & peasantry ever lived "walking": they walked amongst horseshit. 7. The car is modern man's nomadic home; public transport seeks to reject owned space. For the landless peasant, their car is the only space you truly own. Bugman European doesn't have ANY place to call their own: no house, no car. They don't even have a nation to call their own. 8. Understand relationship between car & road is not in the frame of "urbanism", of a "people's urbanism" (read: peasant urbanism), but of the BOAT and SEA, the HORSE and PLAIN. It's the city that is the problem, not the car. Trust no trad claimants that fail to understand this! 9. Public transportists betray the slave's democratizing impulse; they want the CEO make same dreadful bus commute as their smellbad wagies. Issue with congestion in the city is not lack of equality, but too much of it. Force the poors into subway and how the roads become clear! 10. Anti-automobilism betrays the urbanite's r-selected malaise. They understand nothing of the country's frontierism, the need for ownership and understanding of one's own tools. They feel no anxiety giving up all agency unto the city. As long as it gets them to the wine bar... 11. Consider the bicyclist, that irrefutably european bugman, who snidely complains about "bad drivers" making the road "dangerous", while his entire existence on the road demands that all vehicles make effort to preserve him. He places his safety in their hands, not his own. 12. The higher castes should never, ever settle for being packed like canned sardines with the commoners, in the subway, in the bus. Until they offer first class options for all their "public transport", do not consider their push as anything but insidious communism. 13. Pure-blooded Americans, being globally higher caste as a nation, should also take a serious consideration into never allowing themselves to be packed into anything like a slave's bus. There is always a humane alternative. Do not denigrate yourself to their level. 14. Modern urbanism is definitely a crisis; public transport as a COMPANION to personal transport, to fill for long-distance travel, commute within dense city neighborhoods & to support inner city's slave caste, is the solution. Banning personal transport, however, is mega POZ 15. One rejects the car by returning to the workable automobile, the all-mechanical fix 'er up. Or to the horse. Or moving forward, to more experimental forms of mechanical transport. Only those who themselves would demean themselves to the status of a slave herded in chains... 16. The same people who reject the car are those who shake in anger at "drunk driving" - they resent men with the testosterone to risk their lives in reckless jubilee, who test the limits of experience. The futurists understood racing as a proxy for warfare. 17. "Im not scared, drunk driving is just dumb. And it risks other's lives!" he says, preserving a life that lost everything worth preserving by its preservation: airpods, knees together, underground train. Overhead, teens drive out to mountain with 6pk, fuck overlooking a valley 18. I struggle to imagine how any except a villager lives trapped to only where their feet, government or reliance on less cucked friends can take them. Even as nomadic expat, I've always obtained at least a moped. I must assume these people struggle likewise to imagine freedom.. 19. Most car cope comes from urbanites, who’ve never truly experienced a sense of open endedness - not even on foot. Their trains and trams take them to no national parks, none of the little towns, the farmlands, the deserts. Only one urban center to another and within them. 20. They live their lives railroaded, and find it comfortable, safe, reliable, and so wish to push this onto you. Ah, the freedom from the worry of freedom. Slaves, they’re threatened by any who are not intimidated, who relish in freedoms they cannot. Resentful of mastery. 21. Their best criticism of the car is pointing to it trapped in city traffic, its power castrated, brought down close to level of foot peasant. Not being allowed out of the city, they forget there is still an outside in which the car is freed, while they remain castrated. 22. Car is noble, aristocratic vehicle. not everyone should have one - is like knightly steed 23. It's symbolic of dominance over self and nature, truly the successor to a horse. It is freedom incarnate, power over one's life and destiny. Of course that scares city-dwelling bugmen. They are not for everyone, those who use them to 'commute' clog up roads and should ride trains 24. Yes, the car is the steppe, the chariot, Thor and Indra manifested in modernity. The car remember us of violent freedom, virile aristocracy and infinite pride – of those men who did not live bound by Mother Earth, but by their own sword, as a lightning bolt of Father Sky above. 25. [REDACTED] 26. Speed limits are the bane of the road, feminized, bureaucratic dissolution of free mobility. They happen to increase accidents, as well; the bugmen who don’t “get” their car get comfortable performing rote repetition, no visceral embodiment with vehicle as speeding demands. 27. Same driver with true sense of car is also one who can drive on his phone, with his knees, eating a burger or drunk. It’s only those who cannot truly drive who fuck this up - “reckless driving” laws that ban the activity, not bad driving itself, only target the good drivers. 28. The congestion & car death problems can both be solved by banning economy cars from the market and making licenses both prohibitively expensive and difficult. The road belongs only to the few proven nobility; let the peasants have their metro. 29. All talk of car ITT apply to the motorcycle too; it’s a trade off, which limits mobile owned space for increased velocity. Even the moped is a noble machine. If they really cared about you, these are the alternatives they would be presenting. 30. They push hard for the bicycle or for public transport - and not the scooter, as Asia - because they seek to limit your range of movement, and to humiliate you. The car was never a problem of urbanism or congestion. 31. Never forget anyone you see online deriding the car Ubers 5 times a day, relies on their help of friends and family when needed, and limits the scope of their life & activities when they can’t be availed. No one has ever done “just fine” without a car, it’s always a sacrifice 32. Man-powered vehicles will always remain in the realm of sports, children’s toys, and, in utility, the penny rickshaw - for peasants to pull their elites around the city. This is how it always has been, this is how it always will be. They wish to humiliate you. 33. Make no mistake, the personal vehicle is never leaving, it’s only going to get stronger. Flying cars are genuinely right around the corner. THIS is the revolution of transportation. 2015 hoverboarding 2020 HOVERDRONING 34. For a woman, a car is an appliance. One button makes it go, the other makes it stop. For a man a car is a steed. It has a soul. Listen to the engine, it will tell you what it needs...