# On The Dogma of China Bad or "YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPGANDA" Google and Intel: ONLY WE'RE ALLOWED TO SPY ***Posted from my Huawei Mate 20 Pro (Banned in the US, and DeGoogled)*** CAN'T WAIT FOR HUAWEI TO MAKE THEIR OWN OS AND CHIPS AND FORCE GOOGLE AND INTEL TO INNOVATE ***Posted from my Huawei Mate 20 pro*** Oh my God this is horrible, Huawei phones won't be able to use Google Spyware anymore and glow in the dark intel chips. WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO NOW?????? ***POSTED FROM MY HUAWEI MATE 20 PRO*** ATTENTION ALL **EDGELORDS** AND IRONY BROS HUAWEI IS NOW THE MOST EDGY ELECTRONICS BRAND YOU CAN BUY PASS IT ON Wish the Chinese government would see I'm typing this from my Huawei Phone and look at all my self made Chinese truthaganda and thought "hey we a should re ah cruit dis guy" FUCKING HIRE ME HEY GUYS: HERE'S HOW TO SAVE THE WEST STEAL CHINAS POLITICAL SYSTEM EXCEPT MAKE IT WITH WESTERN VALUES THERE'S A WORD FOR IT BUT IM NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT China is the SINGLE example of a modern state doing ANYTHING right, and right and left wingers alike are too blinded by propaganda > BUT SUNNY LOOK AT THESE WEBMS OF FAILING INFRASTRUCTURE IN CHINA > look at this car crash PEOPLE JUST WALKED BY.. oh my God NO!!!!!! Yeah okay look at transgender preschool drag queens learning how to have VRChat Erotica Roleplay Yeah China is outpacing everyone cus they're evil, China Bad, China Bad, Ommmmm, Ommmmmm. IMAGINE AN ANGLO SAXON WORLD STATE THAT OPERATED LIKE CHINA > "Oh but Sunny... the social credit system" *-gets fired for saying you support milk toast politicians and banks won't give you loans and paypal bans you*- repeat after me magatards and woke antifa alike CHINA IS BAD CHINA IS BAD WE WILL NOT EMULATE THEIR NATIONALISTIC POLICIES Haha I heard they eat dog *shows you a webm of an escalator killing someone * China Bad Ommmmmmmmm CHINESE COMPANIES ARE OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND WILL BAN YOU FOR SAYING STUFF AGAINST THEIR AGENDA WE CANNOT ALLOW THEM IN THE US thinks to myself: > "god i hope today's not the day my life is ruined for being centre right haha, at least we're not China" Look up on YouTube vlogs in Shenzhen, Beijing, and Shanghai then tell me you don't wish your major cities felt so safe > yeah so apparently there's poo in some Chinese cities lol... you think we should emulate them haha... ur nuts *goes to work at my Google job in san francisco avoiding lgbt, homeless, and human feces alike with a special app on my phone * [Yeah anyways I'm just kidding China sucks...!! I would much rather live in San Francisco than Shenzhen i mean just look at this crime ridden... SHIT HOLE the camera man is BRAVE for bracing this city at night...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lXC951HI74) Why are so many little kids left unattended in China? these parents are neglectful! don't they know bad hombres could kidnap and rape their progeny at any time?? where are the leashes?? I'm APPALLED... God these videos of markets in Beijing are SICKENING just saw a little girl with an iPhone selling some sort of juice here are my issues 1. UHM hello, Child Labour??? 2. WHERE'S YOUR PERMIT??? 3. how does SHE have an iPhone?? 4. WHO DO I CALL TO REPORT THIS??? China's blatant disregard for IP reminds me of that.. terrible thing In America we're civilised unlike China, we punish children who make illegal lemonade stands they need to be paying taxes and child labour is ILLEGAL > ONLY ISRAEL IS ALLOWED TO SPY ON YOU AND ALSO AMERICA BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO MONITOR THERE'S NO DANGEROUS ANTISEMITISM CHINA HAS NO RIGHT TO SPY ON THE CHOSEN PEOPLE IN THE NEAR FUTURE wignats and identitarians will be forced to choose between an Israeli-USZOG Coalition vs a Chinese Coalition and they will overwhelmingly side against their interests and cementing their place as an extinct race #### **YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA** #### **YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA** #### **YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA** #### **YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA** > BUT THE CHINESE WOULD GENOCIDE US... AT LEAST THE ISRAELIS WILL TREAT US LIKE SLAVES! Yes just like National Socialist Germany is the comic book evil superhero HELLBENT on complete and utter genocide of ANYONE who isn't a blonde haired blue eyed superhuman The ZOG (a fictional nation like the 'flood' in my personal 40k fanfic) has blinded The West so intensely that it has fought war after war after war and every single time only generations later will anyone question it, but this next war? Yeah its totally different China IS evil. Just like Apartheid South Africa, just like Nazi Germany, just like Franco Spain, just Iike Rhodesia, just like The Confederacy America is always the good guy and we're never fighting against our own interests. This time will be different *lives in a totalitarian technocratic police and surveillance state that masquerades as a democratic republic* I VALUE FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY AND DONT BELIEVE ANY CRACKPOT CONSPIRACY THEORIES. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES AND FUCK CHINA.