# On The Intelligence of The Elite, Kali Yuga, Daoism or "The Blackpill Is The Whitepill Idiot!" One thing many people dont understand and dont want to, is that the elite, the ones pulling the strings, the technocrats you dont hear about in articles about what you dont hear about, are incredibly intelligent. The technocrats are incredibly intelligent and their place on the highest caste of this phase of kali yuga is well earned, they are eugenic to their position and its best to acknowledge this lest you develop an inferiority complex - The wheel will always turn - We are in a transitory stage - Just wait it out - Be as a daoist does - Focus on your wheel Because if you focus and hone your wheel,when the wheel goes to ragnarok you will be prepared and those once eugenic technocrats will not; that is all you can do. Don't know if this is word salad or not my worry of developing some sort of psychosis disorder has been heightening lately My point is THE BLACKPILL IS THE WHITEPILL IS THE BLACKPILL IS THE WHITEPILL! understand? this season of humanity we are at a complex social electrical conduit as society progresses this social electrical conduit evolves; - complex speech - writing - printing - internet - now quantum deep learning "A"I It will collapse until one cycle it doesnt, level up! (mb this one? who kno) So many people cannot internalise this so they are stuck in this constant fucking anxiety they say they are zen but they cannot just relax. So many of the people i see acting like this say they are religious the difference is they're faithful, i know. I could not imagine a world making sense unless the basic law of reincarnation or better put life/death oneness was adhered Does not make sense that every other thing is "as is above so is below" that we can scientifically observe in nature except that which we cannot see A toddler will understand the concept of being reborn, they may even remember past lives. If you dont think about this fact daily YOU SHOULD, these arent overactive imaginations. Toddlers are tripping and inbetween worlds 24/7. I'm of the opinion that almost all things that a toddler believes are true. Give me a toddler raised with a humble loving loyal family of sheep herders on the steppe. Now let toddler this boy dictate unto the masses the universal truth let him be the philosopher king of mankind. Perhaps through ai we are already creating our toddler philosopher king And please do not get me wrong when i say "incredibly intelligent" i know i type like retard but i am not too much of a retard to know that this is not what your barista means when shes talking about her niece you know? these are people who are like tesla but left-hand path We talk about caste here a lot. What do you think is going on? The "technocrats" are trying to establish a new caste system. The "jews" arent even "jews". What race are khazars? Its such a strange world isnt it? Its all social darwinism in preparation for collapse or leveling up You have 2 options - 1. rise up the social hierarchy and join your brothers who share your views at the top of technocratic elite (left-hand) - 2. focus on yourself and fight your brothers who share your views at the top of the technocratic elite (right-hand) They know what they're doing, they are psyopping as eugenics. You are addicted to porn and dont breed? To the elite this is good, GTFO! Bad genes! But if you can rise to be them, they accept you they just dont verbalise this. In truth the "trads" have always been in power Btw theres no right or wrong side to this, its literally just a timeless age old war. Moon vs Sun, Right vs Left, Yin vs Yang, together it is the Oneness. Without this struggle man does not evolve,it is our intense oneness drive, the intensity of our infinity that makes us human. So again to the adage "you cant hate a dog for barking", taking the game so seriously is what makes your soul so ugly, and when your soul is ugly it resonates over you entire body like a acidic black cloud weighing you down. Love the player and love the game A friend recants; > "I knew a toddler who once told his mother 'this is all a test!!!' in reference to life" Dont you get it? Wake up! My aim if nothing else is to help people understand this because once you genuinely understand this you will fall out of that hole and almost everyone is in it these days. I dont know what happened or really how it happened besides really trying to make this stuff click, but one day something took over me, its as if my cosmic archetype took over, and as it happened i took a seat and now observe,its as if life turns into a video game, many people say this in a joking manner but,only the type of person who plays games disconnected yet still enjoying them can empathise with this feeling, the neurosis simply melts away and your insight becomes 360, this is what it means to be awake and feel the dao, that is what it truly means to self-actualise spiritually, better put, the more life feels like a video game the more in touch with god you are.