# On Atavism, or "Why Going Yellow isn't Race Mixing" Ethnic clades mixing of two different but distantly related clades results in atavistic expression of their closest ancestral traits - German + Korean = Ancestral Eurasian - Italian + Mongolian = Ancestral Eurasian - Anglo + Italian = Scythian - Swedish + Sardinian = Scythian - Zulu + Anglo = Paleo-Capoid - Congolese + Chinese = Palo-Capoid For the Euro + Asian the most recent ancestor is the Proto-Indo European, so you see those ancient phenotypes expressed Nord + Med the most recent is Indo-Europeans Bantu + Eurasian the most recent is Pre-Toba man, before the population bottle neck. Take some time to observe mixed race people and it's really interesting how they are ancient in a lot of ways, even mentally. Bantu+Eurasian creates a very docile slave race akin to the mentality of the modern Khoi-San Turanic+Aryan creates a paleo Eurasian of high temper people fit to live in the harsh arctic tundra during the worst of the ice age. And inner Indo-Europeans mingling creates the bronze age aryan in both looks and spirit.