

The aim of this document is to outline a nutritionally complete diet based in European tradition. If you don't have European ancestry the advice might not apply, so find local alternatives, eat as your ancestors would have.

Following the guidelines in this document should fix most major nutritional deficiencies and decrease inflammation, but do your own research and adjust to your own needs.

Keep in mind that the source of your food matters; happy animals and happy farmers produce better food.

Use a service like to figure out potential deficiencies.

What to eat


What to avoid

I'm no extremist when it comes to diet, but in general you'd do best to avoid the following due to their toxic, antinutritional and inflammatory properties:


A good diet should provide most minerals, vitamins, amino acids etc. that you need. However some some supplementation might be beneficial due to soil depletion, laziness and other factors.

Please see this page for my notes on various supplements.